The Baphomet Agenda EXPOSED

With the 2015 Supreme Court decision in favor of homosexuality and the ongoing practice of abortion – together with the emerging agenda of transgenderism – many think our country is headed to hell in a handbasket. (1) Meanwhile, others applaud the direction our culture is going. If you’re reading this, and you agree with what our country is becoming, I hope to show you whose side you’re actually on. Although, whether you agree with where we’re headed as a nation or not, I hope to point to the root of the problem.

The homosexual agenda, transgender agenda, transhumanism, and even the pedophilia and bestiality agendas, (2) all have their root in one entity: Baphomet, the androgynous, goat-headed deity worshipped by Satanists and occultists of all flavors, including the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. Also known as the Goat of Mendes, the image of the Baphomet comes from occultist Eliphas Levi’s depiction of the devil. In my opinion, it/he is the root of all these agendas (and more!).


Image taken from Wikipedia

The Homosexual Agenda

There is nothing explicitly in the Baphomet image that pushes homosexuality per se, but the mentality, or the spirit behind the image does. We will tackle this later in this post, but the zeitgeist behind the Baphomet is a do-what-you-want, don’t-let-anybody-tell-you-what-to-do, push-and-cross-boundaries-without-considering-the-laws-of-God type of attitude. Essentially, it is one of rebellion. God created sex and defined that it should be between one man and his wife. Not only is homosexuality not between a man and his wife, it’s not even between a man and a woman! Romans 1 describes the degression of a mind hostile to God:

“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient…” (v. 26-28)

The chapter continues on to list more sins. The depravity described here is represented by the image of the Baphomet; it is against nature, a combination of things that don’t mix. Just as homosexuality is an unholy mixture of genders that don’t naturally go together.

The union of entities that don’t belong together will be a common thread throughout this piece because that is the main thrust of the Baphomet. Including the ones we will explore, the Baphomet is also a union of opposites like light and dark, black and white, and up and down, among others. Continue reading

Was Paul a True Apostle of Jesus Christ

To challenge the Apostleship of Paul is not new. Paul himself had to deal with doubters in his day, and the Church has had to answer it many times over the past 2,000 years. It has again become fashionable in our day to challenge his Apostleship with the New Perspectives on Paul Movement. Though it claims to be new, the “New Perspectives” are in reality old, and the same answers that the Church has historically given are even now sufficient to deal with this issue. Many answers, in fact, are given by Paul himself. We will examine his writings – specifically his letters to the Corinthians – and discover at least ten proofs that Paul is a true Apostle of Jesus Christ.

These proofs will be based on two assumptions: 1) that Scripture, in its totality, is true, and 2) that Paul is a true Apostle and his writings are Scripture. To assume Paul’s Apostleship using his own words to prove the same may sound like fallacious circular reasoning, but we must examine Paul’s words to see if they stand up under examination. Just like we must sit in a chair in order to find out if it will support our weight, we will test Paul’s claim and see if it can support the weight of scrutiny. We will also see how his claims are corroborated by others, so we will not solely look at Paul’s testimony. So with that, let’s begin.

Ten Proofs

1. The One Who called him (1 Cor. 1:1)

This point should actually end the debate. Paul was directly and personally commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as told to us by Luke in the ninth chapter of Acts. Whoever tries to say that Paul was a false apostle is also calling Luke, and, more importantly, Jesus Christ, liars.

2. The churches he founded (1 Cor. 9:1-6, 2 Cor. 3:2)

Paul founded many churches, but he writes especially to the Corinthians that they, above all, should not have believed those who challenged his Apostleship because of how he behaved when he was with them and how long he remained with them. (1)

3. The Gospel he preached (1 Cor. 15:1-8)

Paul says he taught only that which he received, both from Jesus and from the rest of the Apostles. He preached the same Gospel they did. Some will claim that Paul taught a different Gospel than James or Peter, but any perceived discrepancies in their messages can be reconciled with deeper study. Incidentally, both of them endorse Paul. (2)

4. The provision and victory he enjoyed (2 Cor. 6:3-10)

Everything he endured in the ministry, from his trials (v. 4-5), to the divine provision he experienced in those trials (v. 6-7), to his victory over them (v. 8-10), prove his genuine Apostleship.

The next two proofs are a bit unorthodox. In 2 Corinthians 10, Paul writes that we do not wage war according to worldly standards. Then, in chapters 11 and 12, he defends his Apostleship by methods that appear foolish by worldly standards but demonstrate wisdom from God. Continue reading